Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pasta X 2

In the past week I've made pasta for dinner twice which is rare for me - even though I'm not a believer in Atkins I think the whole "carbs are the devil" seeped into my brain because I usually eat something pastay/bready for lunch and not so much for dinner. So why did I make pasta twice for dinner you say? Well, the reasons not that exciting. I've been so busy with frank the tank and can't really leave my apartment to go grocery shopping unless someone is watching him like a hawk, so when I had to cook for two separate occasions (for different friends on different nights). I looked in my fridge and voila! Two meals came to life before my eyes. All you really need is some pasta, garlic, spinach, onions, olive oil, and some sauce, all ingredients that you'll likely have in your fridge already, and you can really throw together a delicious meal. Oh did I mention cheese? Yes, that was an extremely important element of both of my pasta dishes. I used fresh mozzarella, mmm.

The first pasta I made for my friend Rachel who I've been friends with since Middle School. We both live in NYC now but rarely get together because...well we really have no good reason but I've found that a lot of people have the same trouble with getting together with friends in NYC...for me it's basically an issue of laziness and having a cozy apartment makes it even harder to get off my butt and socialize. Anyway, I made rigatoni with spinach, garlic, olive oil and mozarella cheese. And it was tastyyyy.

The second pasta meal I made with my friend Sara. Another friend since long ago - she's appeared in this blog before (see Leela Lounge). And by "with my friend Sara" I mean she asked me if she could help and I responded "Sure, cut the garlic" to which she responded "What??? How do I do that??? No, seriously, I don't know. How??" so we settled on a comprimise and she ended up cutting the bread into little segments. Go Sara!! Thanks for the help! Although she did come with me grocery shopping beforehand to Gourmet Garage so really it was a team effort. We decided on homemade goat cheese ravoli and picked up some wine on the way home. We sauteed some garlic and spinach (I'm a big fan of this combo clearly), mixed in the vodka sauce and poured the whole thing on top of the steaming goatcheese ravoli. We barely got this picture taken before we ravenously dug in.

And guess what?? I'm not any fatter than I used to be!! Take that Atkins diet, carbs rule!!

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