Monday, January 7, 2008

Spaghetti Bolognese

This is my first post (woohoo!) and I'm going to start off with a meal that I cooked just last night. The weather has alternated between being damp and cold and just plain freezing, so I thought it the perfect time to spend a Sunday afternoon cooking a slow-simmering spaghetti bolognese. This blog is going to be mostly dedicated to reviewing restaurants in the west village but every once in awhile, if I cook something realllly tasty, I'll share it here as well.

I received "The Kitchen Diaries" by Nigel Slater (an excellent food writer from the UK) for Christmas this year and so far I've tested out two of his recipes: Pumpkin Soup and Spaghetti Bolognese. I forgot to take pictures of the Pumpkin Soup (sorry!), so you'll just have to take my word that it turned out deliciously thick and full of flavor. The Spaghetti Bolognese turned out wonderfully as well - the flavors were allowed to simmer for over an hour, creating a rich and savory bolognese sauce. The plates were all but licked clean (sorry no after pictures, but there wasn't much to see!).


Color Me Green said...

yay Jen! I'm curious to know more about the bolognese recipe, I'll ask you when we next have dinner.

Lisa said...

Jen, that spaghetti looks delicious. Now I know what I want for my birthday dinner!