Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chicken Quesadilla - A -

These chicken quesadillas kind of came together in a haphazard way, as most of my dinner recipes do actually. Justin was already simmering some black beans and rice but he was planning to add gross looking pre-packaged chicken strips that he had bought especially for this occassion. The whole thing was very sad. So I leaped off the couch and out the door to the meat market right down the street (I've been living next to one of the best meat markets in the city for almost a year now and only a few weeks did I actually venture inside and buy some meat). I bought two huge, fresh chicken breasts which were de-boned and skinned right in front of me, yum. I ran home, sliced up the chicken, drenched the bits with flour and threw them on a skillet with some olive oil. We then put everything together and magically realized we had made quesadillas! Sometimes the randomly put together meals turn out to be the tastiest and this was definitely a case in point!

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