Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Semi-homemade goatcheese and vegetable Pizza - A

Last night Sara came over for a magical dinner surprise prepared by moi. I enticed her over with the promise of a delicious homecooked meal. Then I realized that I had only a couple of usable things in my kitchen: garlic, olive oil and a portabello mushroom and I scurried to find a recipe that could emcompass these ingredients in a clever and tasty way. Tada! I found a goatcheese and vegetable pizza recipe. "Perfect for a vegetarian" I thought and I might actually enjoy it as well. You could pretty much give me goatcheese on a stick and I'd be happy. So I set off to Gourmet Garage and snapped up some veggies, like roasted red peppers, another mushroom, a red onion, and goatcheese and two ready to go boboli mini crusts (because that's all they had - I love (read: HATE) grocery shopping in new york!

I popped my creation in the oven and 18 minutes later...look!! Isn't it glorious?? It tasted glorious too!!

1 comment:

Color Me Green said...

if you don't want to use boboli you could use pitas for mini pizzas or you could buy a mound of pizza dough from a pizzeria and then roll it out yourself. or you could make the dough, though i myself am not so good at that yet.