Wednesday, January 16, 2008

French Onion Soup - A-

Another Nigel recipe the other night - "French Onion Soup without the Tears". The "without the tears" part is what really initially drew me to this recipe and the lovely smokey flavor of the soup has kept me coming back for more. Instead of slicing up three of four onions, this recipe has you cut a few onions in half and leave to roast until golden brown and soft, hence the "without the tears" part. I start to tear up when someone else is chopping onions..and I'm two rooms away, so while I love french onion soup, the prospect of chopping up onion after onion was about as inviting as a Parisian waitor. This recipe is also extremely easy and consists of only a few ingredients...isn't it nice eating a meal that isn't made from things starting with aspartaaslkfj or phenaphoasfklj or partially hydrogeanslkfjlas. Here it is, my french onion soup masterpiece!

1 comment:

Color Me Green said...

could you email me this recipe? it looks simple and delicious! thanks.